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Welcome to my gallery of oil paintings, where you'll see my contemporary interpretation of old pickup trucks, barns, landscapes, animals, and other iconic images.
My work embodies the essence of the rural west: big blue skies with billowy clouds, lakes, old barns, fields full of tall grasses, and the old trucks embedded in these landscapes. When I am exhilarated by an image that sparks my creativity, I seize that soul-stirring moment. Intuitively, I absorb that scene, and that emotionally charged reaction becomes a part of me. By some sort of magic, I invoke that memory, and that sensation is transferred to my paintbrush and onto the canvas. I have recently been inspired by bison, their skulls, and their relationship to the land. I have also been revisiting the faux finishing techniques I used while working on textured wall finishes. I have incorporated these techniques into some new abstracts.
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